Colloquial Expression in Chinese you should learn
In spoken Mandarin Chinese, when you want to express a state in an exaggerated manner, you can use 死了 Sǐ le. The Mandarin Chinese word 死 by itself means to die […]
In spoken Mandarin Chinese, when you want to express a state in an exaggerated manner, you can use 死了 Sǐ le. The Mandarin Chinese word 死 by itself means to die […]
When travelling or living in a Chinese speaking country, it is essential that you know how to say the Chinese word for food in Mandarin Chinese. You might not find […]
Money in Chinese The English translation for money in Mandarin Chinese is 钱 Qián. So, have you heard “money” in Chinese before? And, have you used the Chinese expression “duo […]
Chinese Words Knowing your Chinese words is the most important thing when learning Chinese language. If you know very few Chinese words, it is difficult to hold a proper conversation […]
Chinese Pronunciation is difficult I won’t deny that Chinese is difficult if your aim is to talk like a native. It will likely take years to master perfect pronunciation. However, […]
Do you have a favourite singer? What types of songs do you usually listen to? I like to listen to all types of songs – Japanese, Korean, English, Chinese and […]
Meaning and Components of 打, 算 and 打算 打 Meaning: strike, hit, beat, fight, attack, dozen. HSK Level : Level 1 Radical : 扌(hand 手) Component : 丁 Stroke Count: 5 Pinyin: dǎ, dá Parts of speech: (动) […]