
Learn Mandarin Chinese in 5 Minutes (LMCIFM) is a free website for all who are interested to learn the Chinese Language. We have posts for first-timers and more advanced learners. In our posts, we will teach you at least 5 new Chinese keywords everyday. We hope our Chinese Language learners can pick up at least 150 words in 30 days. And, if you download the Chinese character practise writing sheets provided in this website, you can learn how to write the Chinese characters you have learned in this site.

Learn Mandarin Chinese In 5 Minutes has been around for quite many years. We started posting in our facebook page and we now have about 22.9k followers who like and follow our posts. Click here to read all the posts we have created all these years. If you want us to post certain topics you are interested in, please feel free to make a comment in our comment column.

Chinese Language is easier than you think

Chinese language is not difficult to learn. It might be a challenge to write the Chinese characters, but speaking wise is easier. Chinese language has only 4 tones. It is much easier to learn Chinese than to learn English because the basic word order is subject–verb–object (SVO). You do not need to worry about tense as the Chinese language does not have one. All you need is to remember the time expressions such as 今天 (today), 明天 (tomorrow), 昨天 (yesterday) etc.

Speak, Write and Listen

For you to master a language, you need to speak, write and listen. Instead of listening to English songs, you can choose to listen to Chinese songs or watch a Chinese show online. If you listen to Chinese everyday, you will be able to memorise many Chinese words. This is what I did when learning a new language. 加油!

Absolute beginner Chinese lessons