Common Chinese word and its meaning and usage

Learn Mandarin Chinese expression dou 都

The Chinese word Dou 都  is an adverb and expresses the meaning of already and all. In this lesson on Chinese colloquial expression Dou , we will learn how to use the following Chinese colloquial expression.

Dou …….. Le ……了

The Chinese colloquial expression  Dou ……… Le …….. expresses already. The sentence often ends with the Chinese word le . You use this expression when you want to stress to the other party that it is already ….. and yet…

Practise the Chinese word Dou 都   le 了

A mother telling the son, “It’s already latewhy aren’t you in bed”?


you can change the Ji Dian to a specific time as well. For example,

A teacher telling a student, “It’s already 6pm, why are you still in school?


The following sentences normally use Zen Me Hai  怎么还不 or Hai Bu 还不 in a question form.

六点你还不回家?“It’s already 6pm, you do not go home yet? (Literal translation)

你还不吃?” The dishes are already cold, why aren’t you eating?

老师,你怎么还不明白?” The teacher has already taught us, why you still don’t understand?”

Writing and Pronouncing the Chinese word Dou

Chinese word  Writing Practice Sheet for Dou 都

Download link to practice writing the Chinese character 都 here

How do you say in Chinese?

1. The train has already arrived, why isn’t he here yet?

2. Dinner is already done, why isn’t he home yet?

3. I have already told you,  why you still asking me?

Share your answers with us at the comment section for the three sentences above. Let us all learn Chinese in 5 minutes together. 大家一起学汉语. Learning Mandarin Chinese together and improving Chinese together.

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