Do you know how to say thank you in Chinese? Chinese has a saying that goes like this – “礼多人不怪” lǐ duō rén bù guài – The English translation of this sayings is nobody will find you strange / weird for being a polite person. Therefore, always say thank you when you want to show appreciation and gratitude to people who helped you.
How to say thank you
Probably the second most learned Chinese word, after 你好 Nǐ hǎo (hello), would be thank you in Chinese – 谢谢 Xiè xie. Xie Xie is a very versatile Chinese word. You can say thank you in Mandarin in any situation where you want to thank someone. But, wouldn’t that be boring? Don’t fret! You will walk away with many other ways to say thank you in Chinese in this post.

How to pronounce “Thank You”
Chinese “Thank you” 谢谢 Xiè xie consists of 2 syllabus. The first syllabus Xiè is in the fourth tone, whereas the second syllabus has no mark above. This means the second syllabus is a neutral tone. Let us learn how to read and pronounce the Chinese thank you.
Chinese characters for Thank You
The Chinese character “Thank you” has 2 components. The first component 讠(言) means to speak / to talk. The next component is 射 in English is to shoot. Stroke count for thank you in simplified form is 12 and thank you in Chinese traditional form is 17.
Easy way to say “Thank You”
- 谢谢 xiè xie
- 谢谢您 xiè xie nín
- 多谢 duō xiè
- 谢了 xiè le
- 感谢 gǎn xiè
- 非常感谢 fēi cháng gǎn xiè
- 太感谢 tài gǎn xiè
- 万分感谢 wàn fēn gǎnxiè
Saying “Thank You” in in specific situations
Although saying xie xie is more than enough to express your gratitude and appreciation to a person, it is much better to learn other ways to say thank you to sound like a native speaker.
When someone helped you greatly and you don’t know how to thank him/her , you may say :-
不知道怎么感谢你才好 Bù zhī dào zěn me gǎn xiè nǐ cái hǎo
I don’t know how to thank you.
When you troubled someone to help you, the Chinese phrase to use is :-
给你添麻烦,谢谢你的帮助。 Gěi nǐ tiān má fan, xiè xie nǐ de bāng zhù
Sorry to trouble you, thank you for your help
When someone offer you a drink or food at a friend’s house, besides saying thank you, one can also add the following Chinese phrases :-
谢谢,随便什么都行 。 Xiè xie, suí biàn shén me dōu xíng
Thank you, anything will do.
When you want to thank someone for helping you, you can also say :-
谢谢,你辛苦了。 Xiè xie, nǐ xīn kǔ le
Thank you for the hard work.
When you want to thank your friend’s mother for her hospitality, the Chinese expression you can use is :-
Thank you in Traditional Form
- 謝謝
萬分感謝 - 不知道怎麼感謝你才好
Hopefully after reading this post, you are able to say thank you in a more fancy way. In our next post, we will teach you how to reply in Mandarin Chinese when someone say thank you to you.