30 compliments you give to friends and loved ones in Chinese

Complimenting plays a very important part in our social life. By complimenting others, it takes the attention off from yourself and putting them onto others. Compliment has to be sincere and genuine. That being said, you need to be weary of the words used when complimenting others. You would not want to offend the receiver by saying things that will hurt him/her. Words such as fat, skinny or ugly should be avoided at all cost as these are words people generally do not like to hear. Let us learn how to compliment in Mandarin Chinese from this post.

There are many situations in your everyday life that you can give compliment to your friends and loved ones. Compliment in Chinese does not apply only to appearance, it can also be work related, a place, food you have eaten and many more. If you want to know how to compliment in Chinese such as you are beautiful, you are handsome, you are great in Mandarin Chinese, read on!

How to compliment a girl’s hair

Bǐdé: Mǎ lì, nǐ jīn tiān kàn qǐ lái hěn bù yī yàng?
Peter: Mary, you look different today.

Mǎ lì Shì ma? Wǒ zhǐ shì huà le diǎn zhuāng, zuòle zuò tóu fǎ.
Mary: Really? I just put a little makeup on and had my hair done.

Bǐdé: Zhè fǎ xíng hěn shì hé nǐ, hěn hǎo kàn.
Peter: This hairstyle suits you, you look great.



小陈: 哇,彼得,你看起来真精神!佳人有约吗?
Xiǎo chén: Wa, bǐ dé, nǐ kàn qǐ lái zhēn jīng shén! Jiā rén yǒu yuē ma?
Mr. Chen: Wow, Peter, you look great! Meeting your girlfriend?

Bǐdé: Méi yǒu wa.
Peter: Not really.

小陈: 别装了。扮得那么酷,不是约会才怪。
Xiǎo chén: Bié zhuāng le. Dǎ bàn de nà me kù, bù shì yuē huì cái guài.
Mr. Chen: Stop pretending. Why dressed up so cool if it’s not a date?


Traditional Chinese


小陳: 哇,彼得,你看起來真精神!佳人有約嗎?
小陳: 別裝了。打扮得那麼酷,不是約會才怪。

How to compliment someone’s cooking

小陈: 尝尝这红烧牛肉面。这是我最拿手的菜
Xiǎo chén: Cháng cháng zhè hóng shāo niú ròu miàn. Zhè shì wǒ zuì ná shǒu de cài.
Mr. Chen: Try this braised beef noodle. It is my specialty.


Bǐdé: Fēi cháng měi wèi. Tāng tóu xián dàn shì yí, ròu hěn rù wèi. Ràng wǒ xiǎng zài chī yī wǎn.
Peter: It’s very tasty. The soup is just right and the meat is well seasoned. Makes me want to have another bowl.


Xiǎo chén: Nǐ tài kuā jiǎng le.
Mr. Chen: You are flattering me.

Traditional Chinese

小陳: 嚐嚐這道紅燒牛肉麵。這是我最拿手的菜。

30 compliments in Mandarin Chinese

compliments in Mandarin Chinese

How to compliment about work

Wǒ duì nǐ de gōng zuò biǎo xiàn hěn mǎn yì.
I am satisfied with your work performance.

Wǒ wèi nǐ gǎn dào jiāo ào.
I am proud of you

Nǐ bàn shì hěn rèn zhēn, wǒ fàng xīn.
You are serious in your work, I can count on you.

Nǐ gōng zuò xiào lǜ hěn gāo.
You work very efficiently.

Nǐ hěn zhuān yè.
You are very professional.

How to compliments about a person in Mandarin Chinese

Nǐ de kǒu cái hěn hǎo.
You are very eloquent.

nǐ hěn yōu mò.
You have a sense of humor.

Nǐ shì gè qín kuài yòu cōng míng de rén.
You are a diligent and an intelligent person.

Nǐ hěn yǒu tiān fù.
You are very talented.

Nǐ shì dú yī wú èr de.
You are unique / you are one of a kind.

Nǐ zhēn yǒu nài xīn.
You are very patient.

How to say you look good in Mandarin Chinese

Nǐ kàn qǐ lái hěn bàng.
You look fantastic.

Zhè yán sè hěn shì hé nǐ.
This colour suits you. / This colour is perfect for you.

Nǐ de yǎn jīng hěn mí rén.
You have lovely eyes.

Nǐ chuān shén me yī fú dōu hǎo kàn.
You look great in all styles of clothes.

Nǐ kàn shàng qù fēi cháng chū zhòng.
You look very outstanding.

How to say awesome / amazing / beautiful in Mandarin Chinese

Gàn de hǎo!
Well done.

Nǐ zhēn xíng!
You are great!

Gàn de piào liang!
Well done!

Tài Niú le!
That’s incredible!

Nǐ jīn tiān de qì sè bù cuò.
You look great today.

Nǐ jīn tiān de dǎ bàn zhēn kù.
You look cool today.

Zhēn bù kě sī yì.
It’s really unbelievable.

Zhèlǐ fēng jǐng rú huà.
It’s picturesque here.

Nǐ men hěn liǎo bù qǐ!
You are amazing!

Zhēn shi bàng jí le.
It’s really fantastic.

Zhēn shi lìng rén nán wàng.
It’s really unforgettable.

Nǐ zhēn gòu péng yǒu!
You are truly a good friend!

Nǐ hànyǔ shuō de fēi cháng hǎo.
You speak Chinese really well.

Nǐ hàn zì xiě de fēi cháng piào liang.
Your Chinese handwriting is very beautiful.

Nǐ hàn yǔ shuō de hěn liú lì.
You speak Chinese very fluently.

Language tip

Chinese usually say 过奖了(Guò jiǎng le) when complimented by someone. This is to show one’s modesty in response to the praise or compliment.  Chinese will also reply in the negative to show their modesty. For example, if you say he/she is a great singer, he/she will reply not good or far from it. No matter what kind of response you may receive, people love to receive compliments. It makes the receiver feel motivated  and happy. The giver will also feel good by complimenting others because he/she has seen best in others and putting the appreciations into words.

The next time you received a good service or eaten a delicious bowl of noodle prepared by your family / friend, give them the compliments they deserve. It will surely made their day and yours as well.

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