Learn Chinese Vocabularies – talking about habits

In this article, you will learn Chinese vocabularies from everyday habits involving sleeping, eating, and shopping. Learning Chinese vocabulary through talking about sleeping, eating, and shopping habits can help you to remember the Chinese vocabularies easily and speedily as it is talking about something that relates to your daily routine.

Sleeping habits

打呼噜 dǎ hū lū snoring

它睡觉会打呼噜,真好笑。 tā shuì jiào huì dǎ hū lū, zhēn hǎo xiào.

The dog snores when it sleeps. Really funny!

说梦话 shuō mèng huà           sleep talking

他睡觉时有说梦话的习惯。 tā shuì jiào shí yǒu shuō mèng huà de xí guàn.

He has the habit of talking in his sleep.

流口水 liú kǒu shuǐ    drooling

他睡觉时总流口水。 tā shuì jiào shí zǒng liú kǒu shuǐ.

He always drools when he sleeps.

失眠 shī mián    insomnia

今晚又失眠了。 jīn wǎn yòu shī mián le.

Can’t fall asleep again tonight.

夜猫子 yè māo zi     night owl ( a person who sleeps late)           

她是个夜猫子。 tā shì gè yè māo zi.

She is a night owl.

磨牙 mó yá    grind teeth

睡觉磨牙是不好的习惯。 shuì jiào mó yá shì bù hǎo de xí guàn.

Grinding your teeth while sleeping is a bad habit.

早起   zǎo qǐ     early riser

早睡早起身体好。 zǎo shuì zǎo qǐ shēn tǐ hǎo.

Early to sleep, early to rise, makes a man healthy.

Eating habits

狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn   someone who eats quickly

狼吞虎咽对胃不好。 láng tūn hǔ yàn duì wèi bù hǎo.

Gobbling is bad for the stomach.

挑食 tiāo shí    picky eater

他很挑食,不喜欢吃蔬菜,只喜欢吃零食。 tā hěn tiāo shí, bù xǐ huān chī shū cài, zhǐ xǐ huān chī ling shí.

He is a picky eater, he does not like to eat vegetables, only likes to eat snacks.   

暴食 bào shí    gluttony 

她常暴饮暴食,所以家人很担心她的健康。 tā cháng bào yǐn bào shí, suǒ yǐ jiā rén hěn dān xīn tā de jiàn kāng.She often eats too much, so the family is very worried about her health. 

无辣不欢  wú là bù huān    enjoys spicy food (can’t eat without spicy food)

他无辣不欢,没有辣椒就吃不下饭。 tā wú là bù huān, méi yǒu là jiāo jiù chī bù xià fàn.

He is addicted to spicy food. He can’t eat without it.

重口味 zhòng kǒu wèi     enjoy food with that have intense or strong flavors

他爱吃重口味的东西。 tā ài chī zhòng kǒu wèi de dōng xi.

He loves food with strong flavors.

夜宵 yè xiāo        supper

他不吃夜宵就睡不着觉。 tā bù chī yè xiāo jiù shuì bù zháo jiào.

He can’t sleep without supper.

Shopping habits

购物狂 gòu wù kuáng         shopaholic

她们是购物狂。 tā men shì gòu wù kuáng.

They are shopaholic.

讨价还价者  tǎo jià huán jià zhě       bargain hunter

她买东西时喜欢讨价还价。 tā mǎi dōng xi shí xǐ huān tǎo jià huán jià.

She loves to bargain when she buy things

冲动购买  chōng dòng gòu mǎi     impulse buying

他一时冲动买了很多东西。 tā yī shí chōng dòng mǎi le hěn duō dōng xi.

He bought a lot of things on impulse. 

品牌忠诚者  pǐn pái zhōng chéng zhě    brand loyalist

他是耐克品牌的忠诚者。 tā shì nài kè pǐn pái de zhōng chéng zhě.

He is a loyalist of the Nike brand.

上网购物 shàng wǎng gòu wù       online shopping

我常上网购买东西。 wǒ cháng shàng wǎng gòu mǎi dōng xi.

I often buy things online.

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