How to wish people in Mandarin Chinese
Wishing someone on his/her special occasion can sometimes be difficult. You need to pay particular attention so that you will not say the wrong words. This is especially so in the Chinese culture. In the Chinese culture, the wishes or blessings you say to a friend and to a senior are different. You must be respectful when you wish someone who is elderly or more senior than yourself.
How to say Happy birthday in Mandarin Chinese

Scenario 1 – today is Peter’s birthday and his friends at school wanted to surprise him with a birthday party
A: 蛋糕看来很好吃。可以吃吗?Dàn gāo kàn lái hěn hào chī. Kě yǐ chī ma?
The cake looks good. Can I eat it?
B: 不可以。要送给彼得的。Bù kě yǐ. Yào sòng gěi bǐdé de.
No, it’s for Peter.
A: 今天是他的生日?Jīn tiān shì tā de shēng rì?
His birthday today?
B: 别声(聲)张,我们要给他一个惊(驚)喜。快叫他过(過)来。
Bié shēng zhāng, wǒ men yào gěi tā yī gè jīng xǐ. Kuài jiào tā guò lái.
Hush. It’s a surprise. Get him over quick.
A: 彼得,有人找你。Bǐdé, yǒu rén zhǎo nǐ.
Peter, someone is looking for you.
Peter rushed into the room
彼得: 谁呀? Shéi ya? who?
Everyone : 祝你生日快乐(樂)! Zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè!
Happy birthday!
How to wish Happy Birthday to elders or seniors in Mandarin Chinese
Scenario 2 – It is grandpa’s 80 birthday, and his children and grandchildren wishes him happy birthday in Chinese
爸爸,祝福寿安康。Bàba, zhù fú shòu ān kāng. I wish you longevity and health.
爷爷,祝福如东海,寿比南山。Yéyé, zhù fú rú dōnghǎi, shòu bǐ nán shān.
This Chinese blessing message 福如东海,寿比南山 originated from folklore. It blesses the person to have endless fortune like the East China Sea, and a life as long as the South Mountain on Hainan Island. This Chinese phrase is often used as a Chinese happy birthday blessing for the elderly, wishing them a long and abundant life.
At the wedding reception
Peter has been invited to Mr. Lee’s wedding reception and he has no clue what he should say to the newlyweds. His Chinese friend Ling came to his rescue.
Ling: 小李,祝贺你们。愿你们俩恩恩爱爱,白头到老。
Xiǎo lǐ, zhù hè nǐmen. Yuàn nǐ men liǎ ēn ēn’ài ài, bái tóu dào lǎo.
Congratulations, Lee. Wish the two of you love each other, and live a ripe old age together.
Peter: 我也祝你们夫妻永远幸福,早生贵子。这是ling 教我讲的。
(我也祝你們夫妻永遠幸福,早生貴子。這是ling 教我講的。)
Wǒ yě zhù nǐ men fū qī yǒng yuǎn xìng fú, zǎo shēng guì zǐ. Zhè shì ling jiào wǒ jiǎng de.
I also wish both of you happiness forever, and have son soon. This is what Ling taught me.
Final Examination
Peter is having his final examination and he is really nervous. Ling comforted him and wishes him.
彼得: 明天就是期末考试了,我很紧张。
Bǐdé: Míng tiān jiù shì qí mò kǎo shì le, wǒ hěn jǐn zhāng.
Peter: Tomorrow is the final exam. I am very nervous.
Xiǎo lì: Yǒu shé me hǎo jǐn zhāng de. Fàng xīn, nǐ méi wèn tí.
Nothing to be nervous about. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.
Bǐdé: Dàn yuàn rú cǐ. I hope so.
Xiǎo lì: Zhù nǐ hǎo yùn. Nǐ yī dìng huì kǎo hǎo de.
Good luck. You will definitely do well.
Graduation Day
Peter finally graduated and his friend are there to congratulate him.
A: 愿(願)你早日名扬(揚)天下。Yuàn nǐ zǎo rì míng yáng tiān xià.
I hope you will become world famous soon.
B: 愿(願)你未来前程似锦 Yuàn nǐ wèi lái qián chéng sì jǐn
May you have a bright future ahead.
Happy New Year
Paying a visit to friends or relatives’ house during the Lunar New year is a Chinese custom. It is to convey New Year blessings to the people you are visiting. According to old etiquette, one should hold their fists in front of their chest and say auspicious words to bless the host and vice versa.
There are many wishing messages you can say so long as it has fortune, health and happiness wordings in them.
For the business people
生意兴隆 Shēng yì xīng lóng May your business be prosperous
财源滚滚 cái yuán gǔn gǔn May your wealth comes rolling in
财运亨通 cái yùn hēng tōng May luck and fortune follows you
事业蒸蒸日上 shì yè zhēng zhēng rìshàng May your business be more prosperous with each passing day
For the working people
步步高升 bù bù gāo shēng to get promoted at every step
工作顺利 gōng zuò shùn lì to have every success in your work
For students
学业进步 xué yè jìn bù to excel in your studies
学业突飞猛进 Xué yè tū fēi měng jìn your studies advance by leaps and bounds
一元复始,万象更新 yī yuán fù shǐ, wàn xiàng gēng xīn fresh start for the year ahead
For everyone
万事如意 wàn shì rú yì may everything go your way
招财进宝 zhāo cái jìn bǎo may you usher in wealth and prosperity
大吉大利 dà jí dà lì wish you every luck in the New Year
身体健康 shēn tǐ jiàn kāng wish you good health
心想事成 xīn xiǎng shì chéng may all your dreams come true
Traditional Chinese
Cultural tips
1. The Chinese words 喜事 has two meanings. The first meaning is happy occasion or joyous events. The other meaning is wedding. When someone is preparing a wedding, he/she can say 办喜事 Bàn xǐshì.
2. 早生贵子 is a phrase people normally use to bless the newlyweds. In the traditional Chinese custom, having a son means the family will have a successor and the family will prosper from having him. Sons are normally more welcomed in the traditional Chinese families. This is because when the daughter marries, she belongs to the husband’s family. Thus the Chinese saying 嫁出去的女儿,泼出去的水 Jià chū qù de nǚ’ér, pō chū qù de shuǐ Married daughters are like water splashed out .
22 wishes for different occasions. You do not need to scratch your head anymore when invited to birthday parties, wedding receptions, graduation parties etc. No more worries as to what to say or what not to say. You just need to remember the correct Chinese phrases to use, and say it out loud with confidence. ^^