How to duplicate adjectives in Chinese

Today, we are going to learn how to duplicate adjectives in Chinese. Duplication of words or adjectives is one of the unique features of learning the Chinese language.

duplicate adjectives in chinese

How to duplicate adjectives in Chinese?

Duplicating adjectives in Chinese can be done in the following ways:-

1. Duplicating one-syllable (one character) adjective

Adj + Adj + 的 ( AA +的)


Yīng’ér de pífū nèn nèn de.

The baby’s skin is soft and tender.


quánshuǐ liáng liáng de.

The spring water is cooling.

2. Duplicating two-syllable adjectives

When duplicating two-syllable adjectives, you should repeat each character individually rather than the whole word. The sentence structure is,


For example, let us see how to duplicate the Chinese word for happy – 开心 kāi xīn

According to the sentence structure AABB, 开 represent A and 心 is B. Duplication for this is 开开心心 kāi kāi xīn xīn.

Another commonly used two-syllable adjective would be 干净 gān jìng, which means clean. When duplicating this adjective, it is 干干净净 gān gān jìng jìng.

Do take note that not all one-syllable or two-syllable adjectives can be duplicated. For example, 美丽 měi lì, which means pretty, cannot be duplicated as 美美丽丽 měi měi lì lì.

The above two duplication structures are known as complete duplication (完全重叠式  Wánquán chóngdié shì )

3. Incomplete duplication

The third type of duplication is not very common. The sentence structure is,

A + + AB

For example, the Chinese word 啰嗦luō suo, which is the English equivalent for long-winded, can be duplicated to become 啰里啰嗦 luō lǐ luō suo. Other examples are,

傻里傻气 shǎ lǐ shǎ qì   fool

土里土气 tǔ lǐ tǔ qì   rustic

慌里慌张 huāng lǐ huāng zhāng    in a hurried and confused manner

古里古怪 gǔ lǐ gǔ guài   weird

4. Using the adjective as a verb

The sentence structure is,


For example, the Chinese word 冷静 lěng jìng, which means to be calm can be duplicated to become 冷静冷静 lěng jìng lěng jìng.


bù yào jīdòng, lěng jìng lěng jìng.

Don’t be worked up, calm down.

下班了,我们高兴高兴去。(高兴 can also duplicated as 高高兴兴 – adjective )

Xià bān le, wǒ men gāo xìng gāo xìng qù.

Work is done, let us go enjoy ourselves.

Other Chinese words that can be duplicated and used as a verb are:

热闹 = 热闹热闹 (热热闹闹)rè nào = rè nào rè nào (rè rè nào nào)  lively

轻松 = 轻松轻松 (轻轻松松)qīng sōng qīng sōng (qīng qīng sōng sōng)  easy

凉快 = 凉快凉快liáng kuai = liáng kuai liáng kuai  cool off

清净 = 清净清净qīng jìng = qīng jìng qīng jìng   peace and quiet

How to use duplication

You may probably ask what the purpose of reduplication is.  Well, the grammatical meaning of a sentence is different depending on where the duplication is placed. For example,

1. Use as a predicate 谓语

If the adjective is used as a predicate, it is describing a feeling rather than just an objective description.

Dòu fu nèn nèn de.
Tofu is soft.

嫩嫩的 is describing a feeling.


zhè níng méng zěn me tián tián de?

Why this lemon tasted sweet?

2. Used as an adverb 状语 or a complement 补语

When using adjective as an adverb, the sentence structure is

AABB + + verb

The duplicated adjective describes a degree. For example,


tā qīng qīng chǔ chǔ de kàn dào chē huò de jīng guò.

She saw the accident very clearly.


tā bǎ shū bāo qīng qīng de fang xià.

He gently put down the schoolbag.

When using adjective as a complement, the sentence structure is,

得 + AABB / AA +


tā bǎ fáng jiān zhěng lǐ de gàn gān jìng jìng de.

She tidied the room till it’s very clean.


Xiǎomíng bǎ liǎn shài de hēi hēi de.
Xiao Ming tanned his face till dark.

3. Cannot use degree word such as /极了/有点儿/得很 or negation word such as


tā qīng qīng sōng sōng de zuò wán suǒ yǒu de gōng kè.

She finished all her homework with ease.

*you cannot say轻轻松松地做完所有的功课。(wrongYou should say轻松地做完所有的功课。


tā yǒu yī gè gān gān jìng jìng de jiā.

He has a clean home.

*you cannot say他有一个干干净净的家。(wrongYou should say他有一个干净的家。

4. Use as a modifier for quantifier phrase or noun with quantifier phrase


tā zhěng zhěng yī tiān méi yǒu chī fàn.

He has not eaten all day.


tā yòng zhěngzhěng yītiān gōng fū bǎ chē zǐ xiū hǎo.

He took a whole day to fix the car.

5. Use in front of verbs like 觉得/喜欢/ 是 /感觉


tā de gē ge shì gāo gāo, shòu shòu de.

Her brother is tall and thin.


wǒ de shé tou gǎn jué kǔ kǔ de.

My tongue has a bitter taste.


tā xǐ huān gāo gāo, shuài shuài de nán shēng.

She likes tall and handsome men.


wǒ jué dé ping píng dàn dàn de shēng huó bǐ jiào shì hé wǒ.

I think a quiet and simple life is more suitable for me.

What adjectives cannot be duplicated?

1. Adjectives in written forms are normally not able to be duplicated.

Adjectives that express the characteristic and attributes of things and colloquial adjectives can be duplicated.

高高 gāo gāo – tall

大大 dà dà – big

帅帅 shuài shuài – handsome

2. Non-predicate adjectives cannot be duplicated

  • 男 nán man
  • 女 nǚ woman
  • 雌 cí female
  • 雄 xióng male
  • 单 dān single
  • 大型 dàxíng large
  • 初级 chū jí elementary

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