Chinese food has always been known to have unique taste and textures. There are a lot of health benefits as well when cooked with Chinese herbs and roots. But did you know that certain foods in Chinese culture are also believed to bring good luck and fortune? In this post, we will explore some of the most popular Chinese food that are believed to be lucky and the reasons why they are considered to be lucky status.

Fish in Chinese culture is considered to be one of the most popular lucky foods because of the Chinese word for fish. The Chinese word for fish is “鱼 yu”, which sounds like the word for “abundance” and “prosperity”. This symbolizes wealth and success. Fish is often served during important occasions, such as Chinese New Year, weddings, and business banquets. This is because Chinese believed that one will have good luck and fortune when consuming it.
Fish is normally served whole, with head and tail intact to symbolize completeness and unity. Fish is also often served with vegetables, such as bok choy or broccoli, to symbolize growth and prosperity.
Who doesn’t like dumplings? Dumplings are another popular food in Chinese culture that are considered to be lucky. The reason why it is considered lucky is because of its shape. The shape of the dumpling resembles an ancient Chinese gold or silver ingot, which was used as currency in the past. As a result, if you eat dumplings, it is believed to bring wealth and good fortune.
In some part of China, it is a tradition to hide a small coin or candy inside one of the dumplings, and whoever finds it is said to have good luck for the rest of the year. This is like fortune cookies in Chinese restaurants.
Longevity Noodles
Have you eaten longevity noodles ? They are actually just normal noodles eaten on normal occasions, but on special occasions like birthdays and new years, they symbolizes long life and good fortune. On special days, it is important to eat the noodles without breaking them when eating. The long noodles, which symbolize long life, will be shortened if it is broken or cut short. And, one the noodle should be eaten with chopsticks as eating with fork and knife is believed to bring bad luck.
Spring Rolls
One of my most favorite Chinese snacks. Spring rolls are a popular appetizer in Chinese cuisine. You can eat them almost anytime of the day. Spring rolls are often served during special occasions like Chinese New Year because the crispy golden rolls resemble gold bars, making them a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
Chinese spring rolls are typically filled with vegetables such as turnips and carrots. They are often served with a dipping sauce which is both sweet and sour. This sauce is believed to represent the balance of good and bad luck in life.
The staple food in Chinese cuisine is considered a lucky food in Chinese because it swells and becomes abundant when cooked. Eating rice is believed to bring prosperity and good fortune especially during special occasions. It is believed that one should not leave any rice uneaten or your future wife or husband will have uneven skin and will not be good looking. Do you believe??
Oranges and Tangerines
If you want to be lucky, then consider to eat Oranges and tangerines everyday. Lots of vitamin C and luck!! Why the Chinese believe that oranges and tangerines are lucky, especially on special occasions, is because of the Chinese word. The Chinese word for orange, “橙 cheng”, sounds like the word for “成功 success”. , The word for tangerine, “吉 ju”, sounds like the word for “吉利 luck”.
In conclusion, lucky Chinese food is an important part of the Chinese culture. Whether it is true or otherwise, it is important for us to preserve such culture so that it will be continued from generations to generations.
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