How to use the Chinese word Jiu? The Chinese word 就 jiù has many meanings. It is very difficult to find a precise English equivalent for this Chinese word. As such, Chinese language learners have difficulties understanding and using this Chinese word correctly.
In this post, we will list out 7 ways of how to use this Chinese word 就 jiù to help you understand its usage and meaning.

How to write the Chinese Character
The Chinese character 就 jiù has 12 strokes. The left hand side is the Chinese character 京 jīng as in 北京 Běijīng and 京都 jīngdū (kyoto). The right portion is 尤 Yóu as in 尤其 yóu qí (especially).
就 jiù as a verb means come near, while as an adverb it means at once, right away, as soon as etc.
Frequently used words or phrases
就算 jiù suàn even if
就算你不说我也懂。 Jiù suàn nǐ bù shuō wǒ yě dǒng.
I understand even if you don’t say it.
就是 jiù shì is the same as; that is;just
我就是不明白。Wǒ jiù shì bù míng bái .
I just don’t understand.
就地 jiù dì on the spot
我们就地取材。 Wǒ men jiù dì qǔ cái.
We take the materials locally / on the spot
就要 jiù yào soon
他们就要结婚(結婚)了。Tā men jiù yào jié hūn le.
They are getting married soon.
1. Using 就 + 才 sentence structure
In this 就 jiù + 才 cái sentence structure, jiu shows something has happened earlier, whereas cai shows something has happened later.
For example,
学汉语两年前就想了, 现在才下决心去学。
學漢語兩年前就想了, 現在才下決心去學。
Xué hàn yǔ liǎng nián qián jiù xiǎng le, xiàn zài cái xià jué xīn qù xué
I have thought about learning Chinese 2 years ago, but I only made up my mind to learn now.
The thought of learning the Chinese language happened first using 就 jiù, followed by the decision to learn it using 才cái. Many Chinese learners made this mistake by saying ,
学汉语两年前才想了, 现在就下决心去学。(incorrect sentence)
2. 就 jiù means a situation never changes its status over time.
zhè jiā diàn de miàn yǐ qián jiù hěn chū míng.
This store’s noodle has been famous for a long time.
以前就很出名 means it has been famous before and even now it is still famous. The status of the shop did not change over time.
tā cóng xiǎo jiù kāi shǐ xué gāng qín.
He has been learning piano since he was a child.
从小就开始学 means he learned piano since he was a kid and now he is still learning it.
3. 就 jiù has the meaning of “if” in English
Nǐ bǎ yīng yǔ xué hǎo jiù kě yǐ dào měi guó liú xué
You can study in the United States if you learn your English well.
你把英语学好 is a condition, whereas 就 connects the condition to derive a conclusion of 可以到美国留学.
4. 就 jiù with the meaning of as soon as in English
Tā chī wán fàn jiù shuì jiào.
It went to sleep as soon as it finished its dinner.
Mā mā gāng dào jiā jiù qù xǐ yī.
Mom washed the clothes as soon as she got home.
5. 一 yī + 就 jiù sentence structure representing 2 things happening at the same time. The meaning is somewhat the same as point number 4.
Tā yī dào jiā, jiù yǒu péng yǒu lái zhǎo tā.
His friend came to visit him as soon as he got home.
tā yī chū mén, jiù xià dà yǔ.
It rained heavily as soon as she left the house.
6. 就 jiù has a resolute tone
Wǒ jiù bù xìn tā huì yíng.
I absolutely don’t believe that he will win.
tā jiù bù yuàn yì hé wǒ men hé zuò.
He definitely not willing to cooperate with us.
7. 就 jiù represents a small quantity/numbers
Nà me dà de fang zi, jiù wǒ men liǎng rén zhù
Only the two of us staying in such a big house.
tā de chē, kàn yàng zi yě jiù zhǐ néng zuò liǎng gè rén
Her car looks like it can only sit two people.

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