Verbs list in Chinese you should know

Just like learning English or any other foreign languages, we need to learn verbs in order to describe an action, a behavior, feelings etc. Learning Chinese is no different. BUT, learning Chinese is easier because verbs in Chinese do not have tenses. Verbs in Chinese remain the same whether you are saying something in the past, present or future. Phew! ^^.

In Chinese, when saying something in the past or future, all you need to do is to add a time phrase, and you are on your way to speaking good Chinese.

Verbs examples

Action verbs

Action verbs in Chinese are verbs like 吃chī (eat), 喝hē (drink), 看kàn (see)读dú (read)

Behavior verbs

Behavior verbs in Chinese are 学习 xué xí (learn), 讨论 tǎo lùn(discuss),研究 yán jiū (research), 解决 jiě jué (provide solution)

Verbs describing changes

Verbs examples for this category are 发展 fā zhǎn (develop), 消失xiāo shī (disappear), 增加 zēng jiā (increase), 破产 pò chǎn (bankrupt)

Psychological verbs

These are verbs in Chinese like 爱 ài (love), 恨 hèn (hate), 喜欢 xǐ huān (like), 吃醋 chī cù (jealousy), 怕 pà (afraid)

Verbs describing the beginning and end

Chinese verbs like 开始 kāi shǐ (start), 结束 jié shù (end),  继续 jì xù (continue), 进行 jìn xíng (in progress) are verbs examples under this category.

Directional verbs

Directional verbs in Chinese are verbs that describes directions like 来lái (come),  上 shàng(up), 下 xià (down), 进 jìn (in), 出 chū (out)

Special verbs

是 shì(to be), 有 yǒu (to have), 像 xiàng (look like) are considered as special verbs in Chinese.

Verb list for action verbs

In this post, we will learn action verbs that relate to parts of our body such as 眼睛 yǎn jīng (eyes), 嘴 zuǐ (mouth), 手 shǒu (hands), 身体 shēn tǐ (body), 脚 jiǎo (legs) etc.

verbs list
Verbs list

Verb list relating to the Eyes

看 kàn – to see

查看 chá kàn – to check

观看 guān kàn – to watch

睁眼 bì yǎn – to open the eyes

闭眼 bì yǎn – to shut the eyes

瞥一眼 piē yī yǎn – to glance at

偷看 tōu kàn – to peep

眺望 tiào wàng – overlook

verbs list relating to the eyes

Verb lists relating to the mouth

叫喊 jiào hǎn – to shout

呕吐 ǒu tù – to vomit

呼吸 hū xī – to breathe

喧哗 xuān huá – to make a racket

笑 xiào – to laugh

哭 kū – to cry

询问 xún wèn – to enquire

谈话 tán huà – to talk /chat

吵架 chǎo jià – to quarrel

吵闹 chǎo nào  – noisy

唱歌 chàng gē – to sing

verbs list relating to the mouth

Verbs list relating to the hand

丢掉 diū diào – to throw away

抓 zhuā – to catch

抚摸 fǔ mō – to pet / to gently caress or stroke

拾 shí – to pickup

捡 jiǎn – to pickup

推 tuī – to push

揉 róu – to knead / to massage / to rub

拉 lā – to pull

握 wò – to shake hands / to hold / grip

拌 bàn – to mix

抽打 chōu da – to whip

verbs relating to the hands

Verbs list relating to the body

躺 tǎng – to lie down

运动 yùn dòng –  to exercise

拥抱 yǒng bào – to hug

滚 gǔn – to roll

起来 qǐ lái – to get up

移动 yí dòng – to move 

verbs list relating to the body

Verbs list relating to the leg

跑 pǎo – to run

跳 tiào – to jump

踢 tī – to kick

跺脚 duò jiǎo – to stamp feet

走 zǒu – to walk

站 zhàn – to stand

踩踏 cǎi tà – to trample on

verbs relating to the legs

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