Dating can be a wonderful and at the same time frightful thing for some. Frightful because you get all tongue tied when trying to ask a girl or boy you like to go out with you.
Below are the top 10 dating Chinese phrases and Chinese expressions you can use to break the ice. Hopefully you can go dating with the girl or boy you like after this lesson.
How to ask someone for a date in Chinese
You can start asking for a date by asking this person whether he/she is free on a particular date you have in mind. For example,

1. 这周末你有空吗?
If you intend to ask him or her for a date on weekends, 周末 (zhōu mò) is the Chinese word to use.
这周末你有空吗?zhè zhōu mò nǐ yǒu kòng ma? Are you free this weekend?
有空吗 (yǒu kòng ma) is asking whether he/she is free. 有空 (yǒu kòng) means I am free in Chinese.
Instead of using 周末 (zhōu mò), you can be specific on the days you want to go dating. Such as saying 这星期五/星期六/星期日你有空吗?(Zhè xīng qí wǔ/xīng qí liù/xīng qí rì nǐ yǒu kòng ma?)
星期五 (xīng qí wǔ) is Friday
星期六 (xīng qí liù) is Saturday
星期日 (xīng qí rì) is Sunday
Literal translation: this weekend you free?
2. 你今天下午有安排吗?
Going on a date on weekdays can be fun. If you plan to ask him or her out in the afternoon for a cup of coffee, you can use this Chinese phrase or Chinese expressions.
你今天下午有安排吗? nǐ jīn tiān xià wǔ yǒu ān pái ma?
Do you have any plans this afternoon?
The Chinese to English translation for this Chinese phrase is:-
你 (nǐ) is you
今天 (jīn tiān) is today
下午 (xià wǔ) is afternoon
有 (yǒu) is have/has
安排 (ān pái) is plan or engagement
Literal translation: you today afternoon have plan?
You can change the timing to suit your own plan. You can change afternoon to morning 上午 (shàng wǔ), today to tomorrow 明天 (míng tiān) or any other days. Refer to our lesson on days here.
3. 今天下午你忙吗?
Just like example 2 above, you can also change 有安排吗 (yǒu ān pái ma) to 你忙吗 (nǐ máng ma)? when asking for a date in Chinese.
今天下午你忙吗? jīn tiān xià wǔ nǐ máng ma?
Are you busy this afternoon?
The Chinese to English translation for 忙 (máng) is busy.
Literal translation: today afternoon you busy?
4. 一起吃晚饭怎么样?
This is a direct way to ask someone out on a date. You are suggesting to him/her to go dating with you rather than checking his/her schedule.
一起吃晚饭怎么样? Yī qǐ chī wǎn fàn zěn me yàng? How about having dinner together?
The Chinese to English translation for this Chinese phrase is:-
一起 ( yī qǐ) is together
吃 (chī) is eat
晚饭 (wǎn fàn) is dinner
怎么样 (zěn me yàng) is how about?
Just like the above, you can simply change 晚饭 to any other Chinese words you know. For more Chinese words or Chinese vocabularies on food, you can click here.
Literal translation: together eat dinner how about?
5. 和我一起吃晚饭,好吗?
Literal translation: with me together eat dinner, ok?
6. 让我们一起吃晚饭吧。
Literal translation: let us together eat dinner.
7. 去喝一杯怎么样?
Instead of eating, you can also invite him/her to go for a drink or any other fun activities you have in mind as a date.
去喝一杯怎么样? Qù hè yī bēi zěn me yàng? How about a drink?
The Chinese to English translation for this Chinese phrase is:-
去 (qù) is go
喝 (hè) is drink
一杯 (yī bēi) is a glass/cup
怎么样 (zěn me yàng) is how about?
Literal translation: go drink a glass how about?
The name of the drink is not needed in this Chinese expression. 去喝一杯 already means to go for a drink (liquor). However, if you want to be specific, you may say 去喝一杯啤酒怎么样? (Qù hè yī bēi pí jiǔ zěn me yàng) How about a beer?
8. 你想去看电影吗?
Watching movies seem to be a great dating activity. Now, there are so many interesting ways to enjoy your movies with your date. You can choose couple seats, eating your dinner while watching a movie etc.
你想去看电影吗? Nǐ xiǎng qù kàn diàn yǐng ma? Would you like to go for a movie?
The Chinese to English translation for this Chinese phrase is:-
想 (xiǎng) is want in this case
去 (qù) is go
看电影 (kàn diàn yǐng) is watch a movie
Literal translation: you want go watch a movie?
9. 你什么时候方便?
The Chinese to English translation for this Chinese phrase is:-
你什么时候方便? Nǐ shén me shí hòu fāng biàn? When is it convenient for you?
你 (nǐ) is you
什么时候 (shén me shíhòu) is when
方便 (fāng biàn) is convenient
Literal translation: you when convenient?
10. 愿意和我一起打高尔夫球吗?
Playing a sport together is also not a bad dating activity. Rather than just eating or drinking, getting healthy together is also a good choice.
愿意和我一起打高尔夫球吗?Yuàn yì hé wǒ yī qǐ dǎ gāo ěr fū qiú ma?
Would you like to play golf with me?
The Chinese to English translation for this Chinese phrase is:-
愿意 (Yuàn yì) is willing / want
和 (hé) is with
我 (wǒ) is I/me
一起 ( yī qǐ) is together
打高尔夫球 (dǎ gāo ěr fū qiú) is play golf
Literal translation: willing with me together play golf ?
Extra Chinese vocabularies on dating
约会 yuē huì date / appointment
佳人有约 jiā rén yǒu yuē have a date with your sweetheart
想和你约会 xiǎng hé nǐ yuē huì want to have a date with you
约会地点 yuē huì dì diǎn dating location
约会时间 yuē huì shí jiān appointment time