Mandarin Chinese for clothes
Do you like shopping for clothes? I do! I usually buy clothes when there are promotions going on. I don’t mind that the fashion might be outdated cause I am not a person who chases after the latest fashion. In this post, we will learn the Mandarin Chinese pronunciation for clothes.
The Mandarin Chinese pronunciation for clothes in general is “衣服 yīfú”. The synonyms are “服装 Fúzhuāng””衣裳 yīshang”.There are many Mandarin Chinese vocabularies related to clothes. We will concentrate on the 30 most used Mandarin Chinese vocabularies on clothes in this post. If you need the Mandarin Chinese pronunciation for those not listed in this post, please post it in our comment section, and we will reply accordingly.
Clothes for different genders
When buying clothes for different genders in Mandarin Chinese, you need to remember the Mandarin Chinese pronunciation for women, men and children. The Mandarin Chinese pronunciation for women is 女 Nǚ, men is 男 nán and children is 童 tóng. As you may remember, the Mandarin Chinese word for clothes is 衣服 or 服装. Hence, clothing for women is 女装 / 女士衣服 nǚzhuāng / nǚshì yīfú, men is 男装 /男士衣服 nánzhuāng/nánshì yīfú, children is 童装 / 儿童服 tóngzhuāng/ értóng fú.
30 Mandarin Chinese vocabularies on clothes
Are you followers of fashion trends? I am the type who can’t be bothered to keep up with the trend. Somehow outdated fashion will return into our clothing stores after a few years. As such, don’t throw away your old clothing if possible.
Top 上衣 Shàng yī

Trousers 裤 Kù

Coat 外套 wài tào / Winter wears 冬装 Dōng zhuāng

Others 其他 Qí tā

Dialogues 1
Now that you have all the necessary vocabularies about clothes, let us practice them in the following few dialogues.
I want to buy a t-shirt
A: 我想买一件T-恤。
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī jiàn T-xù.
I want to buy a T-shirt.
B: 你穿多大的?
Nǐ chuān duō dà de?
What size do you wear?
A: 我穿小号的。
Wǒ chuān xiǎo hào de.
I wear the small size.
The sizes for clothes in Mandarin Chinese are:
大号(號) dà hào big
中号(號) zhōng hào medium
小号(號)xiǎo hào small
The size for shoes is:
码(碼) mǎ size
If your shoes size is 36, you can say 36码. Add the Mandarin Chinese word码 after your shoes size.
Dialogue 2
I want to buy a hat for my wife
A: 我想为我太太买一顶帽子。
Wǒ xiǎng wèi wǒ tài tài mǎi yī dǐng mào zi.
I want to buy a hat for my wife.
B: 这顶怎么样?
Zhè dǐng zěn me yàng?
How about this one?
A: 颜色太鲜艳了。有没有比较新颖一些的帽子?
Yán sè tài xiān yàn le. Yǒu méi yǒu bǐ jiào xīn yǐng yī xiē de mào zi?
The color is too loud. Do you something more fashionable?
B: 这顶是现下最流行的。
Zhè dǐng shì xiàn xià zuì liú xíng de.
This one is the most popular now.
A: 很漂亮。颜色也是我太太喜欢的。就这顶吧。
Hěn piào liang. Yán sè yě shì wǒ tài tài xǐ huān de. Jiù zhè dǐng ba.
Very beautiful. The color is my wife’s favorite as well. I’ll take it.
Measurement words for clothes
- 一件上衣 Yī jiàn shàng yī (a top)
- 一只 , 块 , 个手表 yī zhǐ, kuài, gè shǒu biǎo (a watch)
- 一件 , 套衣服 yī jiàn, tào yī fú (a piece / a suit)
- 一条围巾 yī tiáo wéi jīn (a muffler)
- 一顶,个帽子 yī dǐng, gè mào zi (a hat)
- 一條腰帶 yī tiáo yāo dài (a belt)
- 一条裙子 yī tiáo qún zi (a dress)
- 一双,只鞋 yī shuāng, zhǐ xié (a pair of shoes or a shoe)
- 一条裤子 yī tiáo kù zi (a pair of trousers)
- 一副 , 双 , 只手套 yī fù, shuāng, zhī shǒu tào (a pair of gloves / a glove)
Related Mandarin Chinese vocabularies for clothes
尺寸 Chǐ cùn
腰围 yāo wéi
肩宽 jiān kuān
胸宽 xiōng kuān
衣长 yī zhǎng
大腿围 dà tuǐ wéi
袖长 xiù cháng
裤脚围 kù jiǎo wéi
直裆 zhí dāng

There you have it !. 30 most used Mandarin Chinese vocabularies on clothes. Stay tuned to our next post. Happy learning!