The Chinese word Yao is commonly translated as to want in English. However, besides having the meaning of to want, Yao actually has 7 other meanings in addition to “to want”.
Yao does not only mean “to want”
As mentioned, the Chinese word Yao has seven different other meanings besides “to want”. Let us take a close look at how to use the Chinese word Yao in this post.
1. Asking Price Of An Item
zhè gǔ dǒng huā píng yào duō shǎo qián
How much is this antique vase?
Shǒu jī de jià qián yào de tài gāo le.
The asking price for the mobile phone is too high.
2. Wish / Desire / Want / Ask for
wǒ yào qù zhōng guó xué hànyǔ.
I want to go to China to learn Chinese.
Wǒ kǒu kě, wǒ yào yī bēi shuǐ.
I am thirsty, I want a glass of water.
(yao here means asking someone to do something)
3. Demand or Request
Māma yào wǒ men bǎ gōng kè zuò wán cái néng qù wán.
Mom wants us to finish homework before we can play.
Lǎo bǎn yào yuán gōng měi tiān jiā bān.
The boss demand the employees to work overtime every day.
4. Must / Should / Necessary
tiān àn le, huí jiā de lù shàng yào xiǎo xīn.
It’s getting late, you must be careful on your way home.
hé zhǎng bèi shuō huà shí yào yǒu lǐ mào.
You must be polite when talking to the elders.
5. Soon / Going To / Will / Shall
yào xià yǔ le, kuài bǎ yī fú shōu jìn lái.
It is going to rain, quickly bring in the clothes.
gāo kǎo yào dào le, nǐ bì xū jiā jǐn fù xí
The national college entrance examination is coming soon, you need to step up on your reviews.
6. Need or Take
cóng zhè lǐ dào chē zhàn yào liǎng xiǎo shí.
It takes two hours from here to the station.
zhè dōng xi yào sān gè rén cái néng bān dé dòng.
It takes three people in order to move this thing.
7. An Estimate When Used In Comparison
zhè lǐ de dōng tiān bǐ wǒ men nà lǐ yào lěng yī xiē.
Winter here are colder than ours.
kù zi yào bǐ qún zi fāng biàn.
Pants are more convenient than skirts.
8. If / Suppose / In Case
Nǐ yào xǐ huān jiù mǎi ba.
Buy it if you like.
yào qù de huà jiù dé xiàn zài chū fā
If you want to go, you have to leave now.
Common Phrases of Yao
要么 yào me
Yào me zuò, yào me bié zuò.
Either do or don’t do.
要不 yào bù
Zuó tiān nǐ quē xí de shì nǐ bì xū gào sù lǎo shī, yào bù tā huì yǐ wéi nǐ táo xué le.
You must tell the teacher about your absence yesterday, or he will think that you have skipped school.
要不得 yào bu de
Nǐ zhè zhǒng xíng wéi shí zài shì yào bu de.
Your behavior is really unacceptable.
要不然 yào bu rán
Nǐ hái shì bié luàn huā qián, yào bù rán yòu yào bèi mà le.
You better not blow your money, or you’ll get scolding again.
要不是 yào bu shì
Yào bù shì nǐ, wǒ men zǎo jiù bǎ shì qíng zuò wán le.
If it weren’t for you, we would have finished work long ago.
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