5 ways to use “ZAI”

The Chinese word “在” (zài) is a fundamental word used to indicate location or existence in a particular place. It plays a crucial role in Chinese sentences related to location, actions, and ongoing activities. In this post, let us go through the 5 ways “Zai” is used and the mistakes that Chinese learners make when using the word “Zai”.

how to use zai在

5 ways to use “在” (zài)

1. Using 在 as verb to express existence or location of a person or thing

Express location :-

Sentence Structure : subject + + location

厨房。Tā zài chú fáng. – He is in the kitchen. (Kitchen is the location and 他 is the subject)

手机桌子上。Shǒu jī zài zhuō zi shàng. – The cellphone is on the table. (桌子上 is the location and 手机 is the subject)

The object generally refers to a location / place.

Express existence:-

他的父母都还。Tā de fù mǔ dōu hái zài. (在 expresses the existence)

The “在” here has two meanings – First meaning – when someone ask whether the parents are still around in the house, you can answer “”在”. Second meaning – when someone ask whether your parents are still alive, “在” can also be used as in 健在” jiàn zài.

2. Expressing Ongoing Actions:

“在” can also be used to show that an action is happening at a specific location.

在 + location+ action structure

厨房里煮饭。Tā zài chú fáng lǐ zhǔ fàn. – He is cooking in the kitchen. (cooking is the action /

公司上班。Tā zài gōng sī shàng bān- He is working at the company.

3. Using 在 as a preposition

a. Showing what the person is doing in a location (Subject + Zai + location + action)


Tā zài Měi guó liú xué

He is studying abroad in the United States.

(In this sentence, the zai shows the relationship between location, which is America and action, which is studying abroad. )

b. Expressing the time an action has happened / happening


Dà wèi hé Lìlì de hūn lǐ zài zhè ge zhōu mò jǔ xíng

David and Lily’s wedding will be held on/at this weekend.

(zai answers the question when the wedding will happen – this weekend.)

c. Expressing an abstract concept using zai +  a locative word

sentence structure : 在 + abstract phrase + locative word,subject . ….


Tā zài wǒ de yìn xiàng zhōng shì gè hěn qín láo de rén.

In my impression, he is a very hardworking person.


Zài lǎoshī de xì xīn jiào dǎo xià Bǐdé zhōng yú qǔ dé hǎo chéng jì.

Under the careful guidance of the teacher, Peter finally achieved good results.

4. Placing Zai after verbs that implies movement or action

Sentence Structure: Subject + [Special Verb such as 走/坐/扔/吐…] + 在 + Location


Xiǎo Míng zǒu zài māma qián miàn.

Xiao Ming walks in front of his mother.


Xiaoli stands at the school gate waiting for his dad to pick him up from school.”

Xiǎo Lì zhàn zài xué xiào mén kǒu děng bà ba lái jiē tā fang xué.

5. Using 在..看来 to express one’s opinion


Zài wǒ kàn lái, shǒu jī bù shì Xiǎo Míng nòng huài de.

In my opinion, Xiaoming wasn’t the one who broke the cell phone.


Zài wǒ kàn lái, zhè kù zi bù shì tā féng de.

In my opinion, these pants were not sewn by her.

Mistakes when using 在

1. Using在” (‘zài’) to indicate both location (处所) and action

I study Chinese in a Chinese Language School.


在 structure : Subject + 在 + location, so the correct sentence should be

我在汉语学校学习汉语。我 (subject) + 在 + 汉语学校 (location) + 学习汉语 (action)

The day before yesterday, I bought a beautiful dress at the department store.


Just like the previous sentence, 在商场 must be placed after the subject , and 买一件漂亮的裙子 at the end of the sentence. Moreover, as the time phrase is 前天, it means the action has been completed, so you need to add “了“  after 买. The correct sentence should be,


qián tiān wǒ zài shāng chǎng mǎi le yī jiàn piào liang de qún zi.

前天 (Time period) /

前天 (Time period) / (subject) / / 商场 (location) / (action) / 一件漂亮的裙子 (object) / (completed action because of time period)

2. When expressing the existence or presence of something.

厨房 expressing that he is in the Kitchen. This is a correct sentence. However,

在厨房有很多餐具。In this sentence, when you are expressing that there are many cooking utensils in the Kitchen, you must not use 在 to express an existential sentence (存现句 cún xiàn jù). 有 should be used for existential sentence.  The correct sentence is,


3. Using 在 in a prepositional phrase structure

He puts his mobile phone on the table.


This sentence is incorrect because using 在 as a preposition phrase structure, it is commonly followed by a locative word (方位词),

you should say, 他把手机放在桌子上。上 is the locative word.

We hope this post helps you to better understand the various ways to say “在” in Chinese. For pronunciation and video presentation of this lesson, please click “here“.

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