Barbershop or Hair Salon in Mandarin Chinese
Have you gotten your haircut while traveling in China? In this post, we will learn how to say haircut in Chinese, hairstyles in Chinese and hair color in Mandarin Chinese as well.
Do you like getting your haircut at the barbershop or hair salon? Barbershops are often small sized shops with only a barber or at most two barbers in the shop. Barbershops do not have fancy equipment and comfortable seats. They are simple and often the barbers do not know the latest haircut styles. Barbershops are mainly for men and boys. Barbershops are much cheaper than hair salons.
Hair salon, on the other hand, is bigger in size and the interior is fancy. Some of the latest hair salons have a drink bar for customers to order their tea and coffee. The hair stylists are young, trendy, skillful and knowledgeable about the latest hairstyles.
The Chinese translation for barbershop is 理发(髮)店 Lǐ fǎ diàn. Hair salon in Chinese is 发(髮)廊 fà láng. Hair stylist in Chinese is 理发师(髮師) lǐ fǎ shī.
How to get a haircut in Chinese
Peter has been in China for more than 3 months and has not gotten a haircut since. He went to a hair barbershop near him.
彼得: 可以剪发(髮)/理发(髮)吗?
Bǐdé: Kě yǐ jiǎn fǎ/lǐ fǎ ma?
Peter: Can I get a haircut?
发廊: 可以。平常是哪个理发师(髮師)帮(幫)您理发((髮)呢?
Fà láng: Kě yǐ. Píng cháng shì nǎ ge lǐ fǎ shī bāng nín lǐ fǎ ne?
Salon: Yes. Who usually does your hair?
彼得: 我从(從)来没来过(過)。这(這)是第一次来。
Bǐdé: Wǒ cóng lái méi lái guò. Zhè shì dì yī cì lái.
Peter: I have never been here. This is my first time.

How to tell the hairstylist the hairstyle in Chinese
Scenario 1 – How to say trim hair in Chinese
理发师: 你好。我是理发师(髮師),莉莉。
Lǐ fǎ shī: Nǐ hǎo. Wǒ shì lǐ fǎ shī, lìlì.
Stylist: Hi. I am your stylist, Lily.
Bǐdé: Qǐng wèn xǐ, jiǎn, chuī duō shōu qián?
Peter: How much is wash, cut and dry?
理发师: 150元。
Lǐ fǎ shī: 150 Yuán.
Stylist: 150 Yuan
理发师: 你想怎么(麼)剪?
Lǐ fǎ shī: Nǐ xiǎng zěn me jiǎn?
Stylist: How would like your haircut ?
彼得: 帮(幫)我修一下就行了。别剪太短。
Bǐdé: Bāng wǒ xiū yī xià jiù xíng le. Bié jiǎn tài duǎn.
Peter: Just a trim. don’t cut too short.
Scenario 2 – Hairstyle in Chinese. Getting a cool hair cut in Chinese
Bǐdé: Wǒ xiǎng huàn xiànzài zuì liúxíng de fǎxíng.
Peter: I want to change to the latest hair style.
理发师: 这里有几本发型书供你参考。(這裡有幾本髮型書供您參考)
Lǐfǎ shī: Zhè li yǒu jǐ běn fǎxíng shū gōng ní cānkǎo.
Stylist: Here are some hair style books for your reference.
彼得: 我想剪像这张照片的样子。(我想剪像這張照片的樣子)
Bǐdé: Wǒ xiǎng jiǎn xiàng zhè zhāng zhào piàn de yàng zi.
Peter: I want to cut like the one in the photo.
Scenario3 – How to say hair color in Mandarin Chinese
Bǐdé: Wǒ xiǎng rǎn tóufǎ.
Peter: I want to have my hair dyed.
理发师: 想染什么(麼)颜色呢?
Lǐfǎ shī: Xiǎng rǎn shén me yán sè ne?
Stylist: What color do you want?
彼得: 你觉(覺)得什么(麼)颜色适(適)合我呢?
Bǐdé: Nǐ jué dé shén me yán sè shì hé wǒ ne?
Peter: What color do you think is suitable for me?
理发师: 依你的肤(膚)色,我建议(議)染成褐色。
Lǐfǎ shī: Yī nǐ de fū sè, wǒ jiàn yì rǎn chéng hé sè.
Peter: According to your skin color, I recommend to dye brown.
Bǐdé: Wǒ xiǎng tiāo rǎn, nǐ jiàn yì shén me yán sè ne?
Peter: I want a highlight, what color do you recommend?
Lǐfǎ shī: Nǐ xiǎng yào hěn míng xiǎn de tiāo rǎn, hái shì hé yuán běn de fǎ sè róng hé?
Stylist: You want the highlights to standout or blend in with your original hair color?
Bǐdé: Wǒ xiǎng yào xǐng mù yī diǎn.
Stylist: I want it to standout.
Lǐfǎ shī: Nǐ de tóu fǎ shì hēi sè de, hóng sè tiāo rǎn hěn shì hé nǐ.
Stylist: Since your hair is black, red highlights would be perfect for you.
Related phrases about haircut in Mandarin Chinese
预约 Yù yuē reservation / making an appointment with hair salon in Chinese
wǒ xiǎng gēn lìlì yù yuē xià xīng qí yī jiǎn fǎ hé rǎn fǎ
I want to make an appointment with Lily to cut and dye hair next Monday
kě yǐ bāng wǒ jiè shào yī wèi fǎ xíng shī ma?
Could you recommend a stylist for me?
洗发 Xǐ fǎ wash hair in Chinese
kě yǐ zhuā dà lì/xiǎo lì yī diǎn ma?
Could you rub harder / softer
Shuǐ bù gòu rè/tài tàng le!
The water is not hot enough / too hot!
剪发 Jiǎn fǎ haircut in Chinese
wǒ yào liú bìn jiǎo
I want to keep my sideburns
dǎ céng cì
haircut in layers
jiǎn liú hǎi
cut my bangs
烫发 tàng fǎ perm hair in Chinese
wǒ yào tàng tóu fǎ
I want to get a perm
bāng wǒ bǎ tóu fǎ nòng péng yī diǎn
please give more volume or body to my hair
wǒ xiǎng bǎ tóu fǎ tàng zhí
I want to get my hair straightened
wǒ xiǎng zuò jiē fā
I want to do hair extention
Mandarin Chinese phrases with hair in Traditional Chinese

Try using the Mandarin Chinese phrases you have learned today when you visit a hair salon in China or other Chinese speaking countries.
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